Sara Michalski
Sara Michalski
Sara Michalski

Elif “Sara” Michalski
Sara began working at “the family business” over 20 years ago when she became a new parent and while on sabbatical from her medical practice as a pediatrician thinking title might be more flexible than medicine. Eventually, the sabbatical became permanent and the rest is history. Today Sara leads the team of title professionals at Realty Title Services. She is still not sure which has more flexibility for a working parent, title or medicine, but title was the right choice her!
Sara is originally from Istanbul, Turkey, and studied medicine at Marmara University. She came to the United States to continue her medical studies and residency in pediatric medicine at SUNY Stony Brook Medical Center and she completed a neonatal fellowship training at Georgetown University Medical Center. During her medical studies and residency in the U.S., she met and married Dave Michalski. Sara is a licensed title agent in Virginia, District of Columbia and Maryland.